Paying a visit to H.E ambassador of Canada—Donica Pottie
Canada, the northernmost country in North America, has the longest coastline in the world with its coastline, west to the Pacific, east to the Atlantic, and north to the Arctic Ocean and was a vast territory second in the world. Canada has the reputation of “the country of the maple leaf”. With the rapid development of Canada, more and more foreign immigrants are setting in the country, which makes Canada a distinctive and diversified social environment, The development of democracy and prosperity is well based and mutually reinforcing. There are as many as 17 world cultural and natural heritages in the territory, attracting the attention of tourists from all over the world.
At the end of the summer, and With the cool wind of the early autumn, the director of the THAILAND IMPRESSION international media—Mr.Darwin Lee, who was lucky to be invited to visit the Canadian Embassy in Thailand and talk with the Canadian ambassador—H.E. Donica Pottie, It was so fortunate that a couple of years ago, the author had met with the current ambassador to Canada in public places. The editor was so deeply impressed by the ambassador with her gracious smiles, kindness and charm. The editor had an interviewing with the ambassador and felt so pleased to take that opportunity to express his sincere thanks for her Excellency that had been left deeply rooted in heart of the editor.
In the course of the interviewing, the author and the ambassador struck up the conversation about the old photos and post cards from the historical records of H.M.Royal Thai King Rama 9 and the Queen’s paying an official visit to Canada in 1967 ,which had led to the opening of the both countries embassies sharply enhanced, the multiple exchanges and trading between both sides, we reviewed the good moments in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Canada. In 1961, Canada and Thailand opened the arms to set up the friendly diplomatic relations. In 1967, Canada established the Embassy in Thailand. From then on, two countries’ close ties had deepened.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Canada, the two countries have strengthened their close cooperation. For many years, the two countries have made good development in tourism, education, and the economy.
Every year, the No.1 export of supplies from Thailand to Canada is rice and seafood, accounting for Canada’s biggest imports of grain, followed by Thailand’s food is the export of Canada’s leading products. Canada is long coastline that has Its world famous lobster, prawns, scallops, and other seafood are so popular all over the world. They are exported to all parts of the world.
Today, Canada has a number of multinational enterprises, companies, and factories in Thailand which are linking with prosperity in boosting Thailand’s economic development. According to statistics, the total trade volume between Thailand and Canada has reached 4 billion USD.
As we all know, Canada has the reputation of “the country of maple leaf”, the beautiful scenery of Canada attracts tourist from around the world. Canada has 17 world cultural heritages, making it a famous tourist destination in the world. Thailand is also a famous tourist destination in the world. Canada stands out with its vibrant diverse North American culture and communities mixed with any races from different backgrounds.
Today, about 250,000 Canadians visit Thailand every year. It is regrettable that there is no direct flight from Canada to Thailand currently. Thais still need to go through such as places like Hong Kong, Beijing and Tokyo on flight trip to Canada from Thailand.
TAT set up an office in Toronto in April to strengthen the mutual understanding of the two peoples, and to expand the friendly relations in aspect of tourism, and encourage more and more Canadian people to go and understand the splendid façade and folklore of Thailand.
In Thailand, the Canadian ambassador to Thailand expects more Thai people will go to Canada by gaining further understanding on Canada’s natural landscape and social scenery and to do expand friendships between both sides, this is necessarily required to accomplish the objectives. Herein, Tourism provides a broad bright prospect for the two peoples to enhance trade value and the tourism industry.
The numbers of immigrants setting to Canada is increasing every year. Canada holds immigrants from all over the world, including in 2017 reaching 300,000,a small number of Thai Canadians. The largest number of immigrants coming to Canada is from China. As one of the world’s largest immigrant accepting countries, Canada, attracts people from all different walks of life. Canada plays an important role in promoting the peaceful development of the world. At the same time, the Embassy of Canada in Thailand has played an active role as well as Thai Canada cooperation in multilateral organizations such as the UN
The Canadian government is actively cooperating with the Hotel do fund cancer research in Thailand. In addition, the Canadian embassy in Thailand has cooperated closely with the embassies of foreign countries in Thailand, regarding the improvement of the river pollution along the Chaopraya, how we can present the best opportunity to control the polluted river
Moreover, the Canadian embassy in Thailand supports human rights, women’s and children’s rights in Thailand, etc., plays a positive role, hand in hand together with women’s Women organization through the Canadian fund,the embassy supports projects that recognized human rights defenders, helping young women to do better understand their rights.,etc.recently,the embassy supported the launch of the “ DON’T TELL ME HOW TO DRESS” exhibit in Bangkok.
In addition, the Canadian embassy in Thailand has actively appealed to senior officials of Thai government to attach importance to the controversial issues on human rights, by addressing reality of the social problems of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender people positively,recently, the embassy was proud to do support the ministry of Justice’s workshop “Gneder Matter”
PART 4: Assisting Asean in the field of education
The Canadian goverment in Thailand has launched a program to contribute to the cause of education in Thailand, by providing financial assistance to the university students to study in Canada, the ambassor is a member of the council of trustee of Asian Institute of Technology.
[The end]
Now the Canadian government has launched the latest information on Canada policy related to immigration & investment, which welcomes people from all over the world to invest and travel in Canada, Please check the embassy for more information.
In the 1980s, Ms. Donica Pottie was sent to China and studied in Shandong, Jinan for two years, Beijing, and other places. Later, she worked at the Canadian embassy in China and she was Canada’s ambassador to Cambodia[2004-2007],in 2016, she was appointed Canada’s Ambassador to Thailand and she is currently Ambassador to Cambodia and Lao PDR].
[Special thanks to the Canadian embassy and ambassador in Thailand for providing relevant information and pictures]
Reported by Darwin lee